Forty-nine years ago on April 22, the first Earth Day was celebrated to protest against the negative impact of the industrial over-development and marking the birth of a national environmental movement. Following those efforts, the United States Environmental Protection Agency was created, and the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act, both became law. Since then, Earth Day has grown into a major global event with an estimated one billion people participating in environmentally-friendly activities worldwide. The movement aims to raise awareness, education, and action for protecting endangered species, stopping climate change ending plastic pollution. Here at Charlotte’s Web, we take pride in supporting and contributing to the movement year-round and do our part to help honor this special holiday too.
Our company’s mission is “to better the planet and the people living upon it,” so we strive to act as though Earth Day is every day through everything we do. Earth Day Network, the organization overseeing Earth Day worldwide, proclaims “all living things have an intrinsic value, and each plays a unique role in the complex web of life.” We affirm this statement, both in our name and our values. Charlotte’s Web understands the beauty of Mother Nature and seeks to harnesses the powerful botanical benefits our earth has to offer. As such, we respect our planet and safely care for all aspects of our farms and products, from our seeds, our plants, our soil, and beyond. We monitor and improve our farming techniques, always aiming to recycle the materials we can and expand green practices, in our efforts to serve as nature’s stewards.
We believe that the more extraordinary our impact is on the community and the earth, the more significant our success is as a whole. To continue our social responsibility efforts and to officially celebrate Earth Day 2019, we’ve teamed up with the new outdoor community app, Huck Adventures, to clean and beautify Boulder Creek.
Something else we wanted to share – Charlotte’s Web had the distinct honor of being featured in Oprah Magazine this month, where they highlighted our sustainable farming practices within the hemp industry.
“Charlotte’s Web, which sells hemp-derived CBD oil, uses ladybugs as a pesticide and relies on cover crops like oats and rye to help slow land erosion.” – Oprah Magazine.
To be commended for doing what is in our heart and soul — the commitment to serve mother nature — at such an important moment in history means so much. From the Earth, we receive so much. Our continued efforts as an agricultural organization and as a team dedicated to leaving this world better than when we got here is our way of honoring the planet we call home.
However, you celebrate, have a happy Earth Day from Charlotte’s Web!
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The post How We Celebrate Earth Day Every Day at Charlotte’s Web appeared first on Charlotte's Web™ CBD Education Blog.